Current Work

  • Psychotherapist, Anderson Depth Therapy

  • Philosophy and Pastoral Counseling Instructor, St. Meinrad Seminary Permanent Deacon Formation Program


  • MA in Clinical Counseling and Psychotherapy, Institute for Clinical Social Work, 2024

  • PhD in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2021

  • MA in Philosophy, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, 2015

  • MA in Theology, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, 2015

  • BA in Philosophy & Religion, Hillsdale College, 2012

Specialized Training

  • “The Way of the Cross and Psychodynamic Christian Counseling”
    Theopolis Institute workshop, led by David Field

Teaching Experience

  • University of Notre Dame: Ancient Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, Formal Logic, Introduction to Philosophy

  • Moreau College Initiative at Westville Correctional Facility: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics

  • St. Meinrad Seminary: Moral Theology, Introduction to Philosophy


  • 2022. with Reid Comstock, “Socratic Eros and The Use of Protreptic in Plato’s Lysis,” Revista Archai 32, suppl. 1

  • 2017. “C. S. Lewis and Penal Substitution: A Problem Case for New Calvinist Theology,” Evangelical Quarterly 88.4

  • 2015. Review of Eric Perl, Thinking Being: Introduction to Metaphysics in the Classical Tradition (Leiden: Brill, 2014), for The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90.1

  • 2013. Review of Victor Lee Austin, Up with Authority: Why We Need Authority to Flourish as Human Beings (New York: T&T Clark, 2010), for Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical 39.2

Popular Writing

  • 2023. “Psychodynamic Therapy and Spirituality.” ICSW Blog.

  • 2017. “Vernacular Scripture in the Reformation Era: Re-examining the Narrative.” The Regensburg Forum. Online.

Conference Presentations

  • 2021. with Roberto de la Noval, Taylor Nutter, and Amy Maxey, “Insight among Friends” — Boston College Lonergan Workshop, online, 2021

  • 2021. with Reid Comstock, “‘Cutting Them Down to Size’: Socratic Eros and The Use of Protreptic in the Lysis” — West Coast Plato Workshop, online

  • 2017. “Aristotle and Aquinas on the Unity of Composite Substance” — American Maritain Association Conference. New Orleans, LA

  •  2016. “Ancient Matters: The Elements and Aristotelian Ressourcement” — Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University

  • 2014. “Maurice Blondel on the Possibility of Christian Philosophy” — The Dominican Colloquium, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology

  •  2013. “Thomas Aquinas and the I-Thou Concept: Substance-Relation and Contemporary Virtue Ethics” — Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University

  • 2012. “The Restoration of Man: Michael Polanyi and C. S. Lewis on Reductive Materialism” — Polanyi Society National Conference, Loyola University, Chicago

Invited talks

  • 2019. “Know Thyself” — Hillsdale College. Cosponsored by the Hillsdale College Catholic Society and the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology

  •  2018. “Socrates and Saying What You Believe” — Hillsdale College. Cosponsored by the Hillsdale College Catholic Society and the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology


  • Volunteer study hall supervisor for the Moreau College Initiative at Westville Correctional Facility, 2020

  • Research Assistant to Christopher Shields, George N. Shuster Professor of Philosophy at University of Notre Dame, 2017-2020

  • Panel Chair, “Dialectic in the Cave” by Hugh Benson, West Coast Plato Workshop, 2018

  • Mellon Graduate Assistant, Notre Dame Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, 2017-2018      

  • Graduate Assistant, Notre Dame Center for the Aristotelian Tradition, 2017-2018      

  • Referee, Notre Dame/Northwestern University Graduate Epistemology Conference 2017               

  • Panel organizer, “From the Elemental to the Intelligible: Matter in the Aristotelian Tradition.” Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, 2016

Academic Awards

  • Teaching Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, 2021-2022      

  • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) scholarship recipient for German study at Goethe-Institut, Hamburg, 2017               

  • Holy Rosary scholarship, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology. Highest awarded and won consecutively for duration of graduate program, 2012-2015      

  • Graduate Fellowship, U.C. Berkeley Ancient Greek Summer Workshop, 2015